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Олимпиада по английскому языку 10 класс с ответами школьный этап

Task 1.

For questions 1-6 choose the right answer.

1. It is not often that we make a hero of a robber, but Robin Hood somehow seems to be different. Everybody knows it is wrong to steal, yet Robin Hood is admired. The reason for this, of course, is that he stole from the rich and gave to the poor.

2. Was Robin Hood a real man? We know that he was a favourite figure in the ballads and stories of England in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. We also know that according to these stories he lived in the twelfth century. In the year 1521, there appeared a Latin history which mentioned Robin Hood.

3. This is what it said: «About the time of Richard I, Robin Hood and Little John, the most famous of robbers, were hiding in the woods and stealing only from rich men; they killed none except those who resisted them or came to attack them. Robin had 100 men - all skilled archers -well trained for fighting. They were so good that not even 400 men dared to come against them.

4. All England sings of the deeds of this Robin; he did not allow any woman to be hurt, nor did he ever take the goods from the poor; indeed he gave them a lot of the goods he stole from the abbots.»

5. Robin Hood definitely captured the imagination of the English people of that period, because he was a hero working for justice. Robin pleased them and they built around his name one legend after another. They made him a great sportsman, a wonderful archer, a loyal friend, and a lover of the green woods where he lived.

6. There are many theories about Robin Hood. One of these suggests that he was a Saxon, and among the last of those who held against the Normans when they conquered England. It seems certain that a man called Robin Hood really existed. But it is also quite clear that many of the stories about Robin Hood were made up by people.

1. Robin Hood is admired because_____.

a. he was a robber.

b. everybody knows him.

c. Не helped people who had no money.

d. He was different from others.

2. The Latin history mentioning Robin Hood was written in the_____.

a. 12th century

b. 14th century

с. 15th century

d. 16th century

3. Robin Hood and his men killed_____.

a. people they didn't like

b. only rich people

c. skilled archers

d. people fighting against them

4. Robin Hood didn't let his men_____.

a. offend women

b. steal from women

c. take the goods away from women

d. meet women and abbots

5. The English people of the Middle Ages made up stories about Robin because_____.

a. he could fight skillfully with a sword.

b. he was a great athlete

c. he wanted life to be fair

d. he was a great lover

6. We certainly know that Robin Hood was_____.

a. a ballad character

b. a Saxon king

с. a real man

d. a Norman conqueror

Task 2.

For questions 7-26 read the text. Complete each sentence putting the verb in brackets into the correct form. Write your Answers in the boxes below.

Computers can solve difficult problems. One day a famous general (give)7 a computer which (be)8 able to answer complicated questions on war problems. The War Office also (send)9 an expert to fix the Computer. The general (think)10 hard over an important military problem for quite a long time and the computer (bring)11 at the right moment to help the general. It (take)12 the general ten minutes to set the problem. «The enemy just (open)13 fire from the south». The general wanted to know what the results (be)14 if he (attack)15 the enemy or if he (withdraw)16 his army. The computer (start)17 (work)18 at once. While the computer (operate)19 by the expert, the general (watch)20 the screen (flash)21. At last the answer (receive)22 «Yes». The general’s face (grow)23 dark red. He shouted at the top of his voice: «Yes, what?» The computer (get)24 down to work again. «Yes, sir!». It (be)25 half an hour later when the next answer (come)26. «Yes? Sir!»

Task 3.

For questions 27-31 change the following statements to the inohcated type of questions.

27. Every large town has at least one professional football club. (General)

28. There will be somebody in the library. (Alternative)

29. They have been travelling since July, 5. (to the subject)

30. TA cup of tea is brought for you. (Disjunctive)

31. We’ve already done all our exercises. (Special)

Task 4.

For questions 32-43 read the text below and yse the words in the box on the right to form one word that fits in the same numbered space in the text.

In downtown New York city, 32__________WORK

were digging. This was only one

of many 33____________________________CONSTRUCT

sites in the city, but this one

would be 34___________________________ DIFFER

This site was surrounded by steel and glass skyscrapers. Eventually,

an office 35________________________ BUILD

would rise here, too. Now, however,

an 36_____________________________ USUAL

type of 37____________ACTIVE

was occurring. Something appeared

strange. The 38______________________ WORK

were not constructing a 39_____________ BUILD

but were unearthing an old ship. Can you imagine a ship under the busy streets of Manhattan?

The 40____________________________EXPLAIN

is very simple. 41_____________________BUILD

must search sites for 42_________________HISTORY

treasure. The 43_____________________REQUIRE

is very strict. The ship had been discovered during such a search.

Task 5.

For questions 44-53 decide which to choose: A, B, C, or D.

44. We are________ to your visit.

A. waiting B. looking over

C. expecting D. looking forward

45. Never________________ till tomorrow what you can do today.

A. put out B. put off

С lay D. hold up

46. The spectators____________out laughing when the clowns appeared on

the arena.

A. burst B. started

С broke D. set

47. In most countries elementary education is__________for all children.

A. compulsory B. comprehensive

C. optional D. apparent

48. _ were given two days off to celebrate the queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002. A. English B. the British

C. Britains D. British

49. We went by bus - the cheapest means of

A. tour B. journey

C. trip D. travel

50. You take the camera, I'll stand over here, and you can____the picture.

A. do up B. make

C. take D. have

51. Don't try__________the blame for this on me.

A. putting В. lying

С. to lie D. to lay

52. The price of oil keeps____________.

A. rising B. to go up

С getting larger D. raising

53. _____she enjoyed the job. But after a few days she found it too difficult.

A. At once B. Firstly

C. First D. At first

Task 6.

For questions 54-58 complete each sentence with a suitable phrasal verb (A,B,C,D,E,F) from the box below. There is one extra phrasal verb, which you do not need to use.

look into look up take in take up turn in turn up


54. You must_______the library books before the deadline.

55. It took me a long time to_______what you were saying.

56. I promise we will_______the problem and see if we can find a solution.

57. She is late. Do not worry she will_______in a minute.

58. I won't_______any more of your valuable time.

Task 7.

For questions 59-69 decide which to choose: a), b) or c).

59. She promised to____up early tomorrow.

a) do b) get c) look

60. That day we were late and_____down to work only by


a) get b) run c) take

61. This is our station,_____off quickly.

a) make b) take c) get

62. I'm so sorry I have_____up sport.

a) turned b) done c) given

63. The pancake is burning!_____it over now!

a) Run b) Turn c) Get

64. I never sell my books, I_____them away.

a) give b) run c) do

65. The story_____out to be so boring that I couldn't read it

to the end.

a) set b) turned c) gave

66. Never_____up hope!

a) do b) give c) turn

67. In the film the hero easily__ away from the enemies.

a) runs b) gives c) does

68._____the picture down and look closer at it.

a) Get b) Run c) Take

69. I'll_____ out some paper for you to write on.

a) turn b) give c) set

Task 8.

For questions 70-74 choose the one correct answer out of the ten (A-J).

70._________________ is a constitutional document which since 1215

has been part of English Law. It protects the community against the Crown.

71._________________is a person who is in charge of debates in the House

of Commons. He or she is not a Minister nor a member of any political party.

72. The principal task of

in Britain is to keep discipline among

the party's Members of Parliament.

73.________________ is a constitutional document which extended the

powers of Parliament making it impracticable for the Sovereign to ignore the wishes of the Government.

74._____________ was the first university to be established in Britain. It

dates from the 12 century.


The University of Oxford


The University of Wales


The Speaker


The Prime Minister


The Bill of Rights


The Magna Carta




The Chief Lord of the Treasury


Cambridge University


The Chief Whip

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