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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС Школа России

Divide all the words into the correct column. (20 points)

Mind make used decide suggest refuse would prefer be made it’s no use would risk can be used to object to it’s worth go spend had better without what

to do



2. Underline the correct item. (11 points)

1 His parents let him to go / go to the party.

2 They decided selling / to sell their old car.

3 Joan spent all day to shop / shopping.

4 I'm busy to do / doing my homework at the moment.

5 I'd love to visit / visiting India one day.

6 Penny loves visiting / visit museums.

7 His teacher made him apologise / to apologise for his bad behaviour.

8 Jane isn't used to get up / getting up early in the morning.

9. The boys went hiking / to hike in the woods yesterday.

10Nikos agreed buy / to buy my old laptop.

11 Swimming / To swim keeps you fit.

3.Write your own sentences using the verbs. (18 points)

play work buy watch visit get up

1.One day I'd like _____________________________________________________

2My brother is looking forward to _______________________________________

3My parents don't let _________________________________________________

4 I enjoy ___________________________________________________________

5My best friend can't stand ____________________________________________

6My teacher doesn't mind _____________________________________________

4Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form (22 points)

Dear Julie,

I am writing 1) ________ (thank) you for the lovely birthday present. I was so happy 2) ___________(receive) it. It was really nice of you to send something. On my birthday, I went with some friends to the Mexican restaurant in Poplar Street. If you haven't been, you really should 3) ________(visit) it. After that, we went 4)________(dance). It was lots of fun. My parents have agreed 5) ________(play) for tennis lessons. They're glad 6) _______(see) that I'm so interested in a sport. I'm looking forward to 7) _________ (have) to my first lesson this Saturday. I can't wait 8) ............. (tell) you all about it. I’d love________ (do) it very much

Well, I must 9) ............. (go) now. I hope 10)_______(hear) from you soon.

Take care,


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