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Main » 2016 » Февраль » 13 » Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс ФГОС Школа России

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс ФГОС Школа России


a) Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

foreign; is spread; is washed by; capital; island; is situated; powerful;

languages; occupies; population

1 India … in Asia.

2 There are 15 official … in India and thousands of different dialects.

3 Great Britain is an … where England, Scotland, and Wales are located.

4 What city is the … of Japan? – Tokyo is.

5 The UK … the Atlantic Ocean in the north.

6 Success in … language learning is not connected with a person's natural talent.

7 The … of the Russian Federation is about 112 thousand of people.

8 Australia … a whole continent.

9 The USA are considered to be one of the most … countries in the world.

10. English language … all over the world.

b) Fill in blanks with suitable words.

The United States of America 1)… in the central part of North America. Its western coast 2)… by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast – by the Atlantic Ocean. The total 3) … of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The 4)… of the USA is about 250 million people; most of them live in towns and cities. The USA is a very large 5)… . The 6)… of the USA is Washington. The largest 7)… of this country are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others.

II. Put in: who or which.

1. She returned me the book … I gave her yesterday.

2. Do you know the student … has won the first prize in the competition?

3. The mother tongue is a language … a child learns naturally, in his/ her family.

4. I knew a lady … played tennis every day.

5. Kate found a bag … she liked.

III. These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Sir John Bouring could speak 28 languages.

2. The Thames is 334 kilometres long.

3. This nice dress is only 25 dollars.

4. My mother is thirty-five years old.

5. I would like little sugar.

IV. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great … on my friends. - Her dance made a great impression on my friends.


There were 1,000 lollipop ladies in the streets of London standing at zebra … with their

“Lollipop signs”.


80 % of all … in the world’s computers is in English.


Alexander Popov is a Russian … who was known all over the world.


The … of the English language rapidly increases.


His … are considered impossible.


a) Use each verb in Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (eat) every day.

2. The letters (receive) yesterday.

3. Nick (send) to Moscow next week.

4. I (give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

5. Many houses (build) in our town every year.

6. This work (do) tomorrow.

b) Read a sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the Passive Voice.

1. Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel "War and Peace" in the nineteenth century.

2. A lot of children visit the circus every year.

3. The builders will reconstruct this theatre soon.

4. Scientists will solve most mysteries in the future.

5. The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview.

*Задания I и V разделены на пункты a) и b) в связи с разным уровнем подготовленности уч-ся.

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